The MGOC race championship, offers exhilarating Club racing both for the competitor and spectator alike. As a result of our association with the British Automobile Racing Club, this MG motorsport series visits many prestigious race tracks throughout the UK.
The MGOC Championship is ideal as an entry to motor racing and the regulations have been set to prohibit expensive modifications thus allowing entry at modest outlay with only the essential safety requirements needed to race your MG. If you are considering racing your MG or are just interested in spectating, the MGOC Race Championship offers excellent value for money and is great entertainment with close hard fought racing on offer. The series is generally sponsored which subsidises the start money for each competitor to help keep the costs down.
There are five classes:
Class A for MGB, MGB GT, MG Midget, Austin Healey Sprite.
Class B for MG ZS120, MG Maestro Efi, MG Montego Efi, MG Maestro 1600.
Class F for MGF 1.8 VVC, MG TF.
Class Z for MG ZR 160, MG ZS160
Class I for cars not complying with MGOC Race Regulations.
Click here to visit the MGOC Race Team site...
To request a full information pack and a manual of the racing regulations send a cheque for £3.95 with your address details to:
MG Owners' Club (Racing Championship)
Octagon House
1 Over Road
CB24 4QZ
Or you can email raceteam@mgownersclub.co.uk